About Trust

Trust is vital to any relationship, especially when facing clients or working in a team. Find out more about creating/destroying/rebuilding it


Participants compile a list of possible factors that have an impact on trust. To be more specific, on building/destroying and restoring the level of trust between the client and the Trusted Advisor. This activity increases the level of awareness of the blind spots. The more aspects considered, the more chances to reach this goal! Also, it makes a great starting point in taking immediate action toward developing it!



  • Introduce the activity to the participants.
  • Split them into teams.
  • Encourage the teams to nominate a team coordinator. They will facilitate the discussion in the breakout room. In the end, they will present the outcome to the other teams. The team coordinators can rely on the ideas written within the predefined template.
  • Join each team and provide the activity link.


  • There are 3 sections on the Colltrain board. They refer to creating/destroying/rebuilding the level of trust.
  • Participants start with a round of brainstorming. They write down on sticky notes their ideas on this topic.
  • To put things into perspective, participants think about their relationship with the client.
  • They can do a silent brainstorming and then discuss the ideas, or the other way round.
  • Then, participants can discuss the ideas to deepen their understanding.

Debrief (suggested)

  • The team coordinator from each team will present the outcome to the other teams.
  • The facilitator may ask the following questions:
    • Are there any common points between the lists? What does this mean to you?
    • Were there different views during the activity? How did you accommodate them?
    • What resources do these approaches require?
    • Which ideas would be useful in your professional activity?



Additional info

This activity follows activity type guide from CARTA

Play in Colltrain

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