PM interview

Team up for a pair introduction based on the interview technique. Aim for a high level of engagement and zero stage fright!


Participants team up for a pair introduction. They interview their team partner and then present them in plenary. They can use the notes they took during the short conversation they had in the breakout rooms. It’s easier to talk about somebody else than yourself. This makes the activity an interesting and welcomed variation to the self-introduction.

During the PM interview, participants answer a few questions related to the topic of the training session. The input collected this way from each pair is a great icebreaker for the discussion in sight.



  • Introduce the activity to the participants. Then split them into teams of two participants.
  • Provide the activity link.
  • During the interviews, participants can see the information written down by other teams on the Colltrain board. Still, the interviews will be private since they will take place in the breakout rooms.


  • Each team member answers the questions written on the flipchart in Colltrain. Their partner writes down the answers on sticky notes and places them in the right column of the board.
  • Teams come back to the main room of the videoconferencing app.
  • Each participant shares his findings of his team partner with the group.

Debrief (suggested)

  • The facilitator may ask the following questions:
    • Did you find things you can relate to? What does this mean to you?
    • Did you notice some new approaches that you may test soon?


Change the questions of this pair interview and adapt this activity to other training topics.

Additional info

This activity follows activity type guide from CARTA

Play in Colltrain

Choose your language

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