Star rating – A training session
An activity that makes receiving specific, accurate feedback about the delivered training session a child’s play
This Demo activity is based on the Colltrain Ripple
Rating format

Training category
Number of respondents
Individual activity with countless participants
Working – 1 min
Presenting (optional) – 1-3 min
English; Customizable to any other
Participants are provided with a familiar format for giving quick and accurate feedback – that is the 5-star scale. It’s so common that you can’t go wrong with it. And by accurate, we mean something more than “it was ok”.
Participants rate the training session based on different categories like interactivity or the content’s quality.
Even newbies will be able to easily engage in this kind of activity and provide much-needed feedback time and again during the session.
- Introduce the activity to the participants and provide them with the access link or the QR code.
- Each participant works on their own. They rate one to 5 stars for each of the three categories of the training session, then hit the submit button.
The facilitator has the option to display the answers compiled in a centralized chart of their choice – bar, line, column, pie, doughnut. They can also display individual answers, one by one, by clicking on the participant’s name on the right.
Additional info
This activity is part of the survey series using Colltrain Ripple.