Power interest grid

Power interest grid

Map the stakeholders’ power and interest on the classic grid. Discover where they stand with respect to your project


Participants list and categorize all the stakeholders involved in a project. They then take into account the stakeholders’ power over the work and their interest in it. Different levels of these aspects create a practical structure for better stakeholder management. The visual representation on the power interest grid helps one choose the right approach when interacting with them. To name a few examples: some stakeholders want to see the project succeed but they don’t have almost any power to make the project advance; others could say only one word and have a major impact but they are not willing to spend their time and energy on the sake of the project.



  • Introduce the activity to the participants and split them into teams.
  • Each team will name a team coordinator to facilitate the discussion in the breakout room. In the end, they will present the outcome to the other teams. The team coordinators can rely on the ideas written within the predefined template.
  • Provide the activity link to each team.


  • Participants brainstorm and list the stakeholders involved in a certain project. They write them down on the virtual sticky notes and post them on the brainstorming wall.
  • For the second part of the activity, participants define the level of power and interest of each stakeholder. Then they map each name written on the sticky notes on the power interest grid.

Debrief (suggested)

  • The team coordinator from each team will present the outcome to the other teams.
  • The facilitator may ask the following questions:
    • What did you discover during this activity?
    • What challenges did you face during this activity? How did you overcome them?
    • How did you reach consensus within the team regarding the level of power/interest of the stakeholders?



Additional info

This activity follows activity type guide from CARTA

Play in Colltrain

Categories: Colltrain Library