Idea Wall – What’s Resilience for you?
Collect as many ideas with a visual structure so that no perspective is left out
This Demo activity is based on the Colltrain Ripple
Text (open-ended question)

Training category
Perception analysis; Survey
Number of respondents
Individual activity with countless participants
Working – 1 min
Presenting – 1-3 min
English; Customizable to any other
This Ripple activity is about sharing some very personal definitions and connections participants make regarding resilience. They get the chance to share their perspective in a safe space – each participant writes it in Colltrain and then it will appear on the wall anonymously. In the end, the collection of ideas tends to become comprehensive, diverse and resembling memorable graffiti. There is no wrong or right answer, so any perspective is welcome!
- Introduce the activity to the participants and provide them with the access link or the QR code.
- Each participant works on their own. They write down briefly or in detail what they think of when saying “resilience” and submit the answers.
The facilitator displays the answers after selecting one of the visual templates – grid or list. The idea wall can be snipped and used as such later in a presentation.
Additional info
This activity is part of the survey series using Colltrain Ripple.