Hot News

Hot News

Put the training topic into a particular yet familiar context. What’s challenging about it will become the subject of the Hot News activity


This activity is a great opportunity for participants to calibrate their perception. They share the challenges they perceive in a certain business context. They get validation from the group especially when they name the same challenges. It’s both a relief and a step forward toward a mindset shift.

Participants identify the challenges they face while interacting with clients. Also, to expand the awareness, they take into account competitors and work processes. They get the chance to clarify certain aspects and gain more perspectives on the matter. This list helps them approach from the right angle the concepts from the body of knowledge .



  • Introduce the activity to the participants.
  • Split them into teams.
  • Ecourage the teams to nominate a team coordinator. They will hey will facilitate the discussion in the breakout room. In the end, they will present the outcome to the other teams. The team coordinators can rely on the ideas written within the predefined template.
  • Join each team and provide the activity link.


  • Participants brainstorm and write down on sticky notes challenges, as they perceive them. They refer to the interaction with clients, competitors, and work processes.
  • They place the sticky notes in the right column on the predefined flipchart sheet.
  • Then they discuss and refine/cluster the initial information. This will help the team coordinator to present it to the other teams.

Debrief (suggested)

  • The team coordinator from each team will present the outcome to the other teams.
  • The facilitator may ask the following questions:
    • Are there any common points between the lists? What does this mean to you?
    • Can some of these challenges be opportunities in disguise?
    • What do you think other companies would mention if asked the same question?



Additional info

This activity follows activity type guide from CARTA

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Categories: Colltrain Library