

A quick and simple contrast activity on accountability. Run it to both develop a common understanding among participants and widen the perspective on the matter


Participants brainstorm and list factors. They discover what may inhibit or determine one be accountable for his or her actions, outcomes, etc. This set of factors widen their perspective on the matter and helps them calibrate their perception. With this activity accountability, quite an abstract concept, becomes easy to grasp.



  • Introduce the activity to the participants and split them into teams.
  • Encourage the teams to nominate a team coordinator. They will facilitate the discussion in the breakout room. In the end, they will present the outcome to the other teams. The team coordinators can rely on the ideas written within the predefined template.
  • Join each team and provide the activity link.


  • Participants brainstorm, discuss and write down on sticky notes what influence accountability at their workplace. They take into account both positive and negative factors.
  • They can perform a silent brainstorming session and then debate the aspects written down on sticky notes, or the other way round.

Debrief (suggested)

  • The team coordinator from each team will present the outcome to the other teams using accountability factors contrast.
  • The facilitator may ask the following questions:
    • Are there any common points between the lists? What does it mean to you?
    • When defining these aspects, did you have specific situations, people, in mind?
    • Were there different opinions within the team? How did you accommodate them?



Additional info

This activity follows activity type guide from CARTA

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