New Colltrain Release – Acton 2
September 21, 2020
London, UK
The new Colltrain Release – Acton 2 Edition is a major release. It provides a consistent set of collaborative training tools and of a list of key features with focus on “Subscriptions and on-boarding”, Facilitator and Designer specific features.
Many thanks to all of you who offered us feedback and suggestions.
Colltrain Release – Acton 2 – Category: Subscription and onboarding
- Online payment for Colltrain subscription implemented using 2Checkout – Please see for payment options
- New onboarding flow for new subscribers – After payment is processed by 2Checkout new subscribers are invited to complete their onboarding
- New Launchpad and Library Views with filters – Colltrain users are able to decide what activities they want to be part of “Launchpad” by selecting them from Library tab. Various filters are available (Shared with me, Published to Library, Designed by Me, Designed by others in my organisation)
- New login form
- New password recovery flow with email notification

Colltrain Release – Acton 2 – Category: Facilitator’s Features
- App Notifications drawer – Users are notified at key moments: New activity is shared, Invitation to join other organisations, activity sharing cancelation, etc.
- Invitation to join an organization- Users have now join a different organisation based on invitations initiated by the organisation’s administrator. They alsa cave the possibility to leave at any time, returning to their home organisation
- Reopen Closed rooms with saved configuration – Any facilitator from the current organisation is able to join an open room. If the room is closed already, facilitators are able to resume the room and to start the activity for teams. When a room is reopened, a flip chart will show the archived configuration.
- Extend room time – Facilitators are able to add more time to the activity, during the activity execution. This is done from team’s panel.
- Global Library Implemented – A library of nine activities has been created. The activities can be used by designers as starting point and develop their own activities.
- Flash Start – An activity can be now instantly launched with only one team. Useful for activities played with only one team, for demos and can save time for designers.
Colltrain Release – Acton 2 – Category: Designer’s Features
- Change background for Letters and Cards activities – See for example “Flip a card” activity
- New toolbar objects – Card List and Story cards Widgets
- Improvements and bug fixes on sets management
- Activity sharing – As a designer you are able to share your own activities with users from other organizations. When an activity is shared you can decide if the activity can only be started by users in other organisations or / and it can be duplicated
This version is dedicated to the trainers and facilitators of the world!
With love,
from Colltrain Creators